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The Soul Essence 


Get ready to remember your soul magic!

You are an incredible, magical soul and it is time for you to rediscover that!


We are souls living a human experience...and that can sometimes be an overwhelming and confusing thing. 


Living in a fear based society, we are constantly bombarded by fear based beliefs and thoughts from others and let’s not forget those fear based thoughts that we were raised to believe in and follow. It’s no wonder that we get all mixed up, feel defeated and learn to let go of our true dreams, goals and desires. 


But you my love are MAGIC! Your soul came here to do what lights you up, to use your voice to spread love, to connect with your inner magic so that you can be seen!

You CAN rewrite your story

For too long fear has controlled the narrative of the story, but you have the power to change that! Together we will discover the roots behind your fears and you will gain clarity around how fear has kept you stuck. I will hold space for you as you say yes to doing the deep inner work so that you can heal from your fear and say YES to your magic!

Working with a coach is a magical experience!

Why? Having the one on one support is crucial when we are looking to truly commit to doing the inner work, heal from our past fears and blocks and live a life that is in alignment with our truth! The accountability you receive when working with me as your coach will guide you to breakthroughs and “ah ha” moments that will propel you forward towards your true dreams, goals and desires!


No more doing it alone. No more fear based beliefs and untruths holding you back. No more frustration. 


Just you and I creating clarity, releasing fear and getting into alignment with your highest good!

What's included in the 1:1 Soul Essence Experience:

  • Over our 4 months together you will receive one deep dive 90 minute session followed by 8 one hour sessions. In our deep dive session we will get really clear on what blocks/limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck and holding you back, while also discovering what it is that your soul truly wishes to create and we will come up with a plan to get your soul into alignment!


  • The Soul Essence Workbook, a downloadable PDF workbook created to help you gain clarity and perspective on what it is that you would like to create and gain support and guidance on during our time together. No more dancing around what you want! It’s time to name it, so that you can claim it!


  • After each session you will receive soul coaching work that will keep you in alignment with your goal while helping you to gain accountability in creating your dreams, goals and desires. 


  • Unlimited support via email and Instagram DM so you can ask me a question at any time and gain additional support between our sessions if needed. 


  • In true Love, Light and Magic form, each session will end with an oracle card reading to help you discover your next right action step moving forward towards your goals!


  • Access to my Empowered Empath Online Course (a $497 value) for FREE! 

Here are the topics we will dive deeply into during our time together:

  • What your fear, fear based beliefs and blocks are really about.


  • How judgment of yourself and worrying about the judgment from others is keeping you from creating the life you want. 


  • The role that rejection plays in your quest to uncover your truth and how to overcome it.


  • Learn how to connect deeply with your emotions and break the fear based cycle of blocking your emotions. Emotions are a powerful piece to uncover what your soul is craving! You will learn to love these emotions and how to use them to guide you.


  • Learn to believe in yourself and what it is that your heart and soul are craving. Say yes to your dreams, goals and desires...leave the fear behind! 


  • A mindset reset. What we create, what we believe and what we crave for our life begins in our minds. Therefore it is vital to clear away the cobwebs of fear and plant new seeds of belief, trust and faith in yourself! It’s time to learn to love your magic once and for all!

What's it like to work with Nicole 1:1

"I made a choice. A choice that would help me grow as a person, as a soul and as a lightworker. I chose to embrace me. 


I went on a journey with Nicole through her one-on-one coaching program. I knew it would be a challenging few weeks but I was ready for the help and ready for the change in me! I always knew I could be more than what I was, but I needed guidance. Week after week I worked on myself. My fears. My doubts. My questions. My struggles. I always knew I had a heightened intuition and I knew I was sensitive to other’s feelings. But, as I began to learn more and more, Nicole helped me realize I was a light worker and an empath and that I was here for a purpose. A purpose so much bigger than what I had even imagined. 


I have grown so much as a person! Not only did Nicole help me heal from past traumas but she also helped me embrace my true self. No matter what had been going on during the week, after our sessions I always came out feeling so much better. She never judged things I said or things I was going through. She truly felt what I was dealing with and worked through it with me. I feel so much stronger and more confident in myself. I feel like I am closer to who I want to be as a person, as a mom, as a friend, and as a mentor to others. I came out of those sessions with the tools needed to tackle the difficulties I had been facing and would continue to face. She was not only my “coach” but she also became my friend. Cannot thank you enough Nicole for helping me see past the mirror! Your work has truly been a blessing to my life! I am ready to take on the world and shine my light, my gifts, and my talents with others to help them as you have helped me!"  




“I am thoroughly enjoying the coaching and have had so many aha moments!  Thank you!”




“No more believing "I am quiet". I am breaking free!!! Wow what a crazy and eye opening few weeks it has been! Lots of ah ha moments and unexpected realizations. Thank you!”



This is for you if...

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You feel a deep inner calling to create “more” in your life and to finally live your life in alignment with your dreams, goals and desires.

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You are ready to do the deep inner work, to look at the shadow self that has held you back, learn how to heal and LOVE yourself 100%.

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You want to take inspired action and accountability towards making change happen and manifesting your goals!

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You are ready to stop letting fear get in the way of the life your heart and soul want to live.

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You are committed to doing the work to shift your mindset from fear mode to love mode.

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You want to gain confidence and love yourself like you never have before.

Meet your Coach

My name is Nicole Sanguinetti and I am an Intuitive Guide and Spiritual Coach. 


I have been guiding beautiful souls like yourself to connecting with Spirit and rediscovering their intuition professionally for 5 years now. My mission is to help you rediscover your light and liberate you from fear.


I have been there. I lived in fear for most of my life. Afraid of my gifts, afraid to grow, afraid to connect with my inner truth, scared out of my mind about what others would think or say about me. But then one day I became tired of being afraid. I knew there was more to life than living day to day in fear, just getting by doing the bare minimum and keeping myself and my light small so as not to disturb others. 


I woke up. I knew I was destined for I set myself free. I invested in teachers, coaches and classes to help me understand my unique magic and learned how my fears had held me back from shining for years. I have released myself from the bonds of fear, fearful thoughts, negative relationships and all limitations. I now live my life fully in my truth, unafraid of what others think. I work everyday to help others awaken to their magic and truth. 


It has become my mission to help you liberate yourself and live a life free from fear!​


Let's manifest magic together!

Are you ready to kick fear to the curb and say yes to your heart and soul today? Let me help you discover your magic!


Schedule your FREE Discovery Call here.


Don't see a time that fits into your schedule? Email me at to discuss accommodations. 



All content is the original property and work of Nicole Sanguinetti, Love, Light & Magic, except where specified.
No adaptations or republishing without permission by copyright owner.



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