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2020 Intention Setting Workshop

There is a shift occurring deep within your soul. A stirring that you can no longer ignore...a desire to manifest BIG magic!!


2019 was a year of deep healing. Many of us went through experiences that challenged us and pushed us to look at our lives through a different lens. It made us shift, made us see what truly no longer served us, what held us back...and our hearts began to crave more!


Well my loves, 2020 is just around the corner. A new year filled with new opportunities for growth, moments where we can take the knowledge we have learned and use it to help us step further into our truth and own our unique light. This is the year where we do things differently, the year where we take inspired action steps towards our dreams every single day and MAKE IT HAPPEN!! 


Need a little help bringing your visions, intentions and goals into reality? Join me for a special, live online workshop where we will get you focussed and clear on your intentions for the new year and lay the foundation for manifesting magic!!


With me as your coach, I will guide your through:


- The astrological goodness of the new month of the new year and how the energy can help us to set our foundation for 2020.


- The 7 steps to manifesting and how to put these steps into action.


- A printable PDF Reflection sheet to reflect and release 2019.


- A printable PDF Intention and Goal setting sheet to get you clear and focussed for 2020


- A 2020 card reading from The Light Magic Oracle Deck to help us discover how we can step more into alignment with our magic in 2020


This event was hosted LIVE and now you can have access to the REPLAY!  

The workshop was supposed to be an hour, but I just love to give you as much juicy info as I can and it went longer! So this replay is an hour and 44 minutes of magic!


This was such a fun event, I cannot wait for you to experience the replay and learn about manifesting your goals and stepping into your magic!! 


Click below to purchase your access to the replay. 

Be sure to double check that the email you use for PayPal is one you check often. This is the email where your workshop replay and PDFs will be sent.



All content is the original property and work of Nicole Sanguinetti, Love, Light & Magic, except where specified.
No adaptations or republishing without permission by copyright owner.



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